
Showing posts from August, 2021

Uncovering the Enemy's Tactics

         When you give a curse a cause, or open the door to the devil.  Demonic spirits can and do destroy the lives of people out of the protection of God's walls. 1.) Withdrawal From Social Interaction     Continual withdrawal shows signs of demonic activity.  Usually people withdrawal to avoid judgement.  For me, it is a combination of this and withdrawling to not hurt people's feelings or ruin their day with my negativity. 2.)  A Tormented Mental State     It is not normal to suffer so much mentally that you want to hurt yourself or kill yourself. 3.)  Chronic Depression     The devil doesn't want you to enjoy God's gifts, he wants to torment you until you take your own life.  Death is Satan's ultimate goal for you. 4.)  Irrational Fears and Phobias     Demons are full of fear and they want to spread it around.  God hasn't given us a spirit of fear and doubt, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 5.)  Chronic Restlessness      Constant urgency to be on the m

How to Avoid Inviting Curses Into Your Life

      A curse cannot stick to one of God's children, whom He has blessed.  However, you can bring a curse upon yourself.     Idol Worship Invites a Curse      - Involvment in false religions opens a door to the occult.  Anything that is worshipped that isn't God will bring you down a destructive path.     Sexual Immorality Invites a Curse     - We share a lot more than time when we have sex.  A bridge forms between us and we invite the other person's bondages onto us as well. Be careful who you lay with as their problems become your's as well.     Anti-Semitism Invites a Curse     - God promised to bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse it.  If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with Jesus. The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus after all.     Negative Words or Speech Invites a Curse     - God creates the fruit of your lips, good or rotten.  Negative words gives Satan a license to bring out the destructive things you talk about int

Who Am I (BlackWasp)

 Hello there,  My Name is Adam. Tag name : BlackWasp I was brought on by my good friend,Rico,whom I am pleased to call a brother. My story charts me back to 1996.15.09 I grew up in a low income lifestyle and in that my life wasn’t peaches and cream by no means. Life brought me mental illness at at very young age. More specifically a Seizure Disorder. My eldest brother also had it but long grew out of it. So they say. I do not believe so that a Seizure is something you outgrow. It is something that requires extreme care and prayer.  As of recent I was praying to my Heavenly Father and remember the pain and sadness of those around and myself. The unknowing when I was going to have an attack. The feeling of it being in control of your actions. It was so speak humiliating in public and alienable. I remember being treated different because of my disorder. My mother would sacrifice her work and money to tend to me. She was a single parent whom later in life married and I had a step father… A

Prayer for Confidence

 Jesus I believe in you,  I trust in you,  and I place my hope in you . But at times I have doubts,  I get anxious and worry,  I think I have to take care of everything myself,  and I can get discouraged and even depressed. Liberate me from my arrogance and fill me with humility,  so I can live confidently in your love and your light. Amen. - Rediscover the Saints by Matthew Kelly

Judging Others is a Sin

     "Whenever I judge another believer, four things instantly happen: I lose fellowship with God, I expose my own pride and insecurity, I set myself up to be judged by God, and I harm my fellowship with the Church.  A critical spirit is a costly vice.  The Bible calls Satan ' the accuser of our brothers '.  It's the Devil's job to blame, complain, and criticize members of God's family.  Anytime we do the same, we are being duped into doing Satan's work for him.  Remember, other Christians, no matter how much you disagree with them, are not the real enemy.  Any time we spend comparing or criticizing other belieivers is time that should have been spent building the unity of our fellowship.  The Bible says, ' Let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other.  Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault. '" - The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren