Who Am I (BlackWasp)

 Hello there, 

My Name is Adam. Tag name : BlackWasp

I was brought on by my good friend,Rico,whom I am pleased to call a brother.

My story charts me back to 1996.15.09

I grew up in a low income lifestyle and in that my life wasn’t peaches and cream by no means. Life brought me mental illness at at very young age. More specifically a Seizure Disorder. My eldest brother also had it but long grew out of it. So they say. I do not believe so that a Seizure is something you outgrow. It is something that requires extreme care and prayer. 

As of recent I was praying to my Heavenly Father and remember the pain and sadness of those around and myself. The unknowing when I was going to have an attack. The feeling of it being in control of your actions. It was so speak humiliating in public and alienable. I remember being treated different because of my disorder. My mother would sacrifice her work and money to tend to me. She was a single parent whom later in life married and I had a step father…

All that to say I had intercessors and woman in my life whom prayed the things of demons and wicked ailments away from me. When I was in between first second grade I realized something. That I didn’t need to special needs classes anymore. As a child who was already different I was learning to find my voice and speak up for myself.

Don’t get me wrong at home I was a playful carefree soul. Just wanting to play video games and watch my favorite cartoons.

But I remember telling my special needs teacher, and lifelong mentor Mr. Paradise, that I was ready.

He talked to the other teacher and I distinctly remember them talking with my mother, and they pulled me out the class. My grades began to climb and I became bullied from being smart versus my handicap. All that to say. Don’t give up and Prayer saved my life more times then not. I don’t know what you’re going through but I believe in a God of Miracles and Breakthrough.


    Father God, I come to you humbly and with a heart of peace and love. I pray that any sickness or hardship is lifted and that you give clarity and clear vision and discernment. Heal any hurt wounds. Whether that be mentally or physically. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). You have told us to stand back and you will fight for us (Isaiah 54:17). We trust in this. I believe this in faith in Christ Jesus that it is so and by faith I pray, 



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