Uncovering the Enemy's Tactics

       When you give a curse a cause, or open the door to the devil.  Demonic spirits can and do destroy the lives of people out of the protection of God's walls.

1.) Withdrawal From Social Interaction

    Continual withdrawal shows signs of demonic activity.  Usually people withdrawal to avoid judgement.  For me, it is a combination of this and withdrawling to not hurt people's feelings or ruin their day with my negativity.

2.)  A Tormented Mental State

    It is not normal to suffer so much mentally that you want to hurt yourself or kill yourself.

3.)  Chronic Depression

    The devil doesn't want you to enjoy God's gifts, he wants to torment you until you take your own life.  Death is Satan's ultimate goal for you.

4.)  Irrational Fears and Phobias

    Demons are full of fear and they want to spread it around.  God hasn't given us a spirit of fear and doubt, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

5.)  Chronic Restlessness

     Constant urgency to be on the move. No God, no peace; know God, know peace.

6.)  Unclean Desires and Lewd Behaviors

    The desires to be lovers of themselves and not lovers of God.  God hates sin; but loves every sinner

7.)  Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors

    Any behavior that captures someone so that they cannot break away from it under their own power.

8.)  Uncontrollable Rage

    Bottling up anger until you explode gives the devil a foothold.

9.)  Violent Behavior

    Extreme and unwarrented behavior.

10.)  Fixation on Death and the Occult

    God gave us a natural aversion to death.  When you are fixated on death it is a sign of demonic activity.

11.)  Suicidal Thoughts

    Demonic forces extinguish the will to live.

12.)  Absolute Helplessness

    When you've done all you can to escape your bondages, but despite your efforts, nothing changes, that signals demonic sabatoge.

12 Signs, 1 Cure

    The Lord answers the calls of a sincere heart.  He does not despise those taken captive, or wounded by the enemy.  Jesus came to destroy the devil's works and provide us with weapons to disarm the devil.

- 21 Things the Devil Cannot Do by Duane Vander Klok


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