21 Things the Devil Cannot Do

1.  The Devil Cannot Be Like God
    - The devil longs for the allegiance and worship that belongs only to God

2.  The Devil Cannot Understand the Ways and Word of God
    -His defeat is stated in Revelations which can only be understood through the revelation of God's Holy Spirit

3.  The Devil Cannot Resist the Name of Jesus
    -Every knee shall bend at the name of Jesus, even Satan cannot resist

4.  The Devil Cannot Stop the Power of the Gospel
    -The Gospel is the power of God.  Salvation goes beyond forgiveness to include healing, peace, deliverance, restoration, and everything else we need.  The devil cannot stop your inherent blessings.

5.  The Devil Cannot Escape His Fate in Revelation 20:10
    -He is headed towards the lake of fire.  When you tries to show you your sorry past; show him his sorry future instead.  As a believer you've already escaped.

6.  The Devil Cannot Get Saved
    -Salvation is for the "seed of Abraham" those in a flesh and blood body.  You have to choose salvation before you die.  Spirits without bodies cannot get saved and the devil is a spirit.

7.  The Devil Cannot Predict the Future
    -He is finite, he cannot predict his own future let alone yours.

8.  The Devil Cannot Operate in an Atmosphere of Praise
    -Praise stops the devil in his tracks.

9.  The Devil Cannot Stand Against the United Assualt of the Church
    -Everything God does is through the church.

10.  The Devil Cannot Touch Your Spirit
    -The Holy Spirit seals your salvation.  The devil can't go through the Blood of the Lamb to get you.  Your spirit belongs to God alone.

11.  The Devil Cannot Violate Your Free Will
    -Neither God nor Satan can make you do anything.

12.  The Devil Cannot Possess What You Don't Yeild
    -He can't gain access to your life unless you yield it.  When you obey God, live by His word, and resist the devil, he MUST flee.

13.  The Devil Cannot Stay Where He isn't Welcome
    -He may trespass from time to time but he cant dump the kingdom of darkness' trash on you anymore.  

14.  The Devil Cannot Trespass Unless You Let Him
    -You must repel Satan's attacks.

15.  The Devil Cannot Hide From the Word of God Within You
    -When you have the Word of God within you, you are not easily misled by the devil's schemes, even if he disguises himself as an angel of light.  Not everything that happens is God's Will.  You need to know His Word so you can discern.

16.  The Devil Cannot Get You to Blame God When You Know the Word
    -He wants you to be mad at God.  Anything that destroys, kills, or steals is from the devil.

17.  The Devil Cannot Separate You From the Love of God
    -You cannot even separate yourself from it, even the worst of sinners.

18.  The Devil Cannot Bless You
    -He can only give you curses of bondage, destruction, pain, and decay.

19.  The Devil Cannot Keep You Depressed
    -God offers the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
    -Thanksgiving magnifies our perception of God and minimizes our problems.

20.  The Devil Cannot Condemn You Unless You Let Him
    -The devil, "accuser of brethren" is forever throwing condemnation in the face of believers.  He wants us to lay down our righteousness and give in to despair and defeat.  However, Jesus justified us so there is no condemnation.

21.  The Devil Cannot Take You to Hell If You Don't Want to Go
    -If you accept Christ you become a citizen of heaven.

- 21 Things the Devil Cannot Do by Duane Vander Klok


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