Roots of Prayer

There is a storm coming.

How do I know?

Because there always is.

It might be days away, weeks or months, or even years.  But it is coming.  Nobody goes through this life without encountering some storms. A tornado blew through our neighborhood a few nights ago.  The next day, hundreds of trees had been torn down.  Other trees looked untouched.  

What is the difference between the two trees, side by side, one gets blown to the ground and the other continues to stand tall? Strong roots.  A tree with strong roots can weather almost any storm.  A tree with deep roots bears great fruit, for it can source the water and nutrients it needs from the Earth.

Sink the roots of the daily habit of prayer deep into your life.  Is there a storm coming? Life has really taught me that this is the wrong question. 

"When will the storm get here?"  is more appropriate.  Life has also taught me that when the storm arrives it is too late to start sinking those roots. So, don't delay.  Begin praying, today.

- I Heard God Laugh, Matthew Kelly


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